
RSNA 2023 Country Presents: Italy and Singapore's Radiology Visions and Innovations

Both countries will share their plans for the future of radiology

RSNA Country Presents 2023

Each year at the annual meeting, RSNA recognizes select countries for their contributions to radiology and their role in helping shape the profession’s future. This year’s Country Presents sessions will feature Italy and Singapore.

Representatives from each country or from the local radiology organizations will be on hand at the meeting to share research and discuss the ways they are planning for the health care challenges ahead.

Plan to Attend the RSNA 2023 Country Presents Sessions

Tuesday, Nov. 28
9:30 a.m.
Singapore Presents: Radiology in the Lion City: The Pursuit of Excellence Within 284 Square Miles

Tuesday, Nov. 28
3 p.m.
Italy Presents: Radiology in the Next Generation EU Plan

Resiliency in Italy's Radiology Specialty

Like many specialties, radiology in Italy has faced its challenges over the past few years, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued global shortage of radiologists. Its session, Italy Presents: Radiology in the Next Generation EU Plan, will discuss steps that the specialty has identified to help it move forward, not only in Italy, but in the larger European Union.

Representatives from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) will present a panel of discussions that will illuminate how the specialty plans to learn from its past and move forward into the future.

One of its presentations will look at how SIRM has grown as a society, providing support, education and networking for more than 11,500 members throughout Italy and its surrounding countries. Its plans for the future include expanding the offerings of La Radiologia Medica, its premier journal that serves the international radiologic community.

To address the changes in the European Union that may affect radiology, presenters will showcase Italy’s national plan of health care recovery and resilience that will provide radiology with opportunities. A presentation will also discuss how Italian radiologists are addressing diversity, equity and inclusion within the specialty. The Italian College of Interventional Radiology will also present on its work moving forward for the next generation of radiologists.

The session will wrap up with a presentation by the radiologists who are involved in the medical community planning for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games.

Emerging Trends in Singapore 

Singapore is a small country with limited natural resources. The rapid developments in the country since it gained independence in 1965 also saw dramatic improvements in health care delivery and medical specialty development. During the session, Singapore Presents: Radiology in the Lion City - The Pursuit of Excellence Within 284 Square Miles, representatives will discuss the evolving face of Singapore’s health care system and how radiology fits into the design.

“Singapore delivers excellent health care outcomes with relatively modest health care spending. It currently spends under 4% of its GDP on health care, while delivering a quality of care that is among the top in the world,” said Charles Goh, MBBS, chief medical informatics officer at Singapore General Hospital. “We will be sharing about Singapore’s model of health care delivery, including its system of private and public health care providers and structure of health care financing. We will highlight the challenges of our rapidly aging population, growing incidence of chronic diseases and rising costs, and how these are shaping our government’s health care strategy. In particular, we will discuss Singapore’s shift towards preventive care, with a greater focus on primary care and progressive transition to a value-based health care model.”

The session will open with an introduction to Singapore’s health care system, followed by a discussion of the current and emerging trends that are affecting radiology.

Next, a presentation will share the evolution of the Singapore radiology workforce and how the specialty must become more nimble and innovative to thrive in the changing environment. Radiology research continues to be a focus in Singapore and one presentation will showcase the key areas of research that are driving emerging trends in the specialty.

The session will wrap up with a presentation about interventional radiology practice in Singapore and throughout the Far East, including an update on the current state of IR and the future directions for the subspecialty.

For More Information

Register for the meeting at RSNA.org/Annual-Meeting.

Review the RSNA 2023 Program at Meeting Central.

Review the RSNA 2023 Technical Exhibits.