
Retired member application

Retired membership status may be granted by the Board of Directors to members who have retired from active practice. If you are currently an RSNA member who has retired from the practice of medicine or other active involvement in radiology or related fields and have been a member in good standing for at least 20 years, you may make written request for such transfer by completing the retired member form, or by downloading and mailing our application form.


  • Be retired from the practice of medicine or other active involvement in radiology or related fields. Any practice/involvement must be less than 10 hours per week.
  • Make a written request for such transfer to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society.
  • Have been a member in good standing for at least 20 years, exclusive of time as a Medical Student Member, Graduate Student Member or Member-in-Training.


  • Complimentary membership dues for the Standard package. View Standard package benefits
  • Discounted registration to the RSNA annual meeting. Discounted rate is equal to the current registration rate in the Standard membership package.
  • Complimentary access to online journals.

Member Information


I have retired from active practice of medicine or other active involvement in radiology or related fields, am practicing or involved in radiological activities no more than 10 hours per week and I have been an RSNA member in good standing for at least 20 years. If at any time, my status in this regard should change, I hereby agree to notify the Radiological Society of North America.