RSNA 2019 Speakers and Honorees
Learn about the speakers and topics being featured at the annual meeting
RSNA will feature plenary session lectures on a spectrum of health care topics and honor a number of distinguished physicians during the 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting.
The Meeting Program of the 105th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly will be dedicated to William R. Eyler, MD, an esteemed radiologist and teacher who served nearly 20 years as Radiology editor. Along with his significant contribution to Radiology, Dr. Eyler served as editor of the RSNA Index to Imaging Literature, which included nearly 40 journals. RSNA introduced the William R. Eyler Editorial Fellowship in 1998, offering recipients the chance to gain experience in radiologic journalism. Dr. Eyler received the RSNA Gold Medal in 1976.
2019 Plenary sessions

Valerie P. Jackson, MD
President’s Address
Sunday, December 1, 8:30 am
A Matter of Perspective: Putting a New Lens on Our Patient Interactions

Abraham Verghese, MD
Opening Session
Sunday, December 1, 8:30 am
Finding the Caring in Care

Andrew J. Saykin, PsyD, ABCN
New Horizons Lecture
Monday, December 2, 1:30 pm
The War on Alzheimer’s Disease: Neuroimaging, Biomarkers and Genetics on the Front Lines

Robert M. Pascuzzi, MD
New Horizons Lecture
Monday, December 2, 1:30 pm
Charcot, The Iron Horse, and Creeping Paralysis: Good Science in the Treatment of ALS

Mitchell D. Schnall, MD, PhD
RSNA/AAPM Symposium
Tuesday, December 3, 10:30 am
The Path to Integrated Diagnostics

Anant Madabhushi, PhD
RSNA/AAPM Symposium
Tuesday, December 3, 10:30 am
Radio-Patho-Genomics: Computationally Integrating Disease Specific Features across Scales

Sanjiv S. Gambhir, MD, PhD
Annual Oration in Diagnostic Radiology
Tuesday, December 3, 1:30 pm
Next Generation Technologies and Strategies for Precision Health

Lisa A. Kachnic, MD
Annual Oration in Radiation Oncology
Wednesday, December 4, 1:30 pm
Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy (OART): The True Intersection of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Oncology
2019 Distinguished Honorees

D. David Dershaw, MD

N. Reed Dunnick, MD

J. Anthony Seibert, PhD

Tarek A. El-Diasty, MD

Fiona J. Gilbert, MD

Bernd K. Hamm III, MD

Jocelyn D. Chertoff, MD

Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PhD
2019 Honored Educator Award
RSNA congratulates the 2019 Honored Educator award recipients for their dedication to furthering educational scholarship in the field of radiology. Award recipients will be recognized at the 2019 RSNA Annual Meeting.
This year’s recipients:
Katherine P. Andriole, PhD
Yoshimi Anzai, MD, MPH
James P. Borgstede, MD
Ruth C. Carlos, MD, MS
Luciana P. Chamie, MD, PhD
Tessa S. Cook, MD, PhD
Matthew S. Davenport, MD
Lane F. Donnelly, MD
Richard L. Ehman, MD
Joel G. Fletcher, MD
Dyan V. Flores, MD
Ayman H. Gaballah, MD, FRCR
Alexander R. Guimaraes, MD, PhD
Tarek N. Hanna, MD
Jeffrey G. Jarvik, MD
Kyle K. Jensen, MD
Pamela T. Johnson, MD
Charles E. Kahn Jr, MD
Bharti Khurana, MD
Marc D. Kohli, MD
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PhD
Jonathan B. Kruskal, MD, PhD
Susanna I. Lee, MD, PhD
Jonathon A. Leipsic, MD
John P. Lichtenberger III, MD
Antonio Luna, MD, PhD
David A. Mankoff, MD, PhD
Katherine E. Maturen, MD
Pardeep K. Mittal, MD
Courtney C. Moreno, MD
Pari Pandharipande, MD, MPH
Mini N. Pathria, MD
Perry J. Pickhardt, MD
Constantine A. Raptis, MD
Pina C. Sanelli, MD
Bettina Siewert, MD
Rathan M. Subramaniam, MD, PhD
An Tang, MD
Bachir Taouli, MD
Alex Towbin, MD
Jennifer W. Uyeda, MD
Jeffrey C. Weinreb, MD
Gayle E. Woloschak, PhD
Jeremy R. Wortman, MD
Carol C. Wu, MD
Trainee Research Prize, Neuroradiology Research Award
RSNA awards the Trainee Research Prize to honor an outstanding scientific presentation in each subspecialty presented by a resident/physics trainee, fellow or medical student. One trainee research prize in breast imaging is endowed by Tapan K. Chaudhuri, MD. A list of Trainee Research Prize recipients can be viewed in the Learning Center. Funded with a donation from Kuo York Chynn, MD, the Kuo York Chynn Neuroradiology Research Award is presented annually to the top neuroradiology research paper presented at the RSNA annual meeting. The 2019 Chynn Award will be presented to Pouya Nazari, MD, of Northwestern University, Chicago, for his abstract “Readmission after Treatment of Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis: A Nationwide Readmission Database Analysis.”
Alexander R. Margulis Award for Scientific Excellence
The annual award recognizing the best original scientific article published in Radiology is named in memory of Alexander R. Margulis, MD, a distinguished investigator and inspiring visionary in the science of radiology. The honoree will be revealed at the beginning of the Monday Plenary Session. After the award is presented, reprints of the honored article will be available for free at the Membership & Resources Booth in the Connections Center at RSNA 2019.