Residents and Fellows Corner
RSNA R3 Program Keeps Training Members in the Know

Radiology residency is a busy time with lots of competing priorities. In order to help residents take full advantage of RSNA resources, the RSNA Resident and Fellow Committee (RFC) developed the RSNA Resident Representative (R3) program.
Designed to facilitate communication with all radiology residents, even those who may not currently be members of RSNA, radiology residency programs around the world select a resident who will begin their second year of residency in July to serve as the R3 representative.
Each R3 dispenses RSNA information to the other residents at their institution, including a monthly resident-focused RSNA e-newsletter with exclusive events and opportunities. The representative also serves as a resource for fellow trainees with questions about RSNA.
Participation in R3 helps residents learn about the useful resources RSNA offers to residents and fellows. This past academic year, Bashiar Thejeel, BMSc, MD, a diagnostic radiology resident at the University of Alberta was an R3 representative and agrees that participation has been a great way to experience all RSNA has to offer residents.
“RSNA has always played an important part in our residency program with residents encouraged to attend meetings and submit research and audit projects,” Dr. Thejeel said. “In addition, residents have relied on RSNA publications including Radiology and RadioGraphics for up to date complete learning resources.”
R3 participants also are encouraged to attend the annual meeting, where they can network at a lunch with members of the RFC and RSNA leadership. Their names are also showcased in the Residents Lounge during the annual meeting.
Participating in the R3 program also fosters a desire among residents to join RSNA committees as they complete their training.
For more information about participating in the program, email