
RSNA 2022 Trending Topics

OB/Gynecology Imaging

MRI in pelvic imaging and the use of machine learning to predict disease progression and outcomes are key trends in OB/gynecology imaging.

Attendees interested in learning more about and using O-RADS MRI should attend Integrating O-RADS MRI in Your Practice: Why, When and How?

For an overview of imaging emergent conditions during pregnancy, look for Obstetric Emergencies: Pearls and Pitfalls. Interactive Case-based Review of Crazy OB/Gyn Cases demonstrates problem solving in unusual disease presentations.

Other interesting sessions include Adenomyosis Update 2022: Clinical, Diagnostic and Reporting Challenges and Imaging Ovarian Cancer: Radiologists as Partner in Cancer Care.

View the RSNA 2022 program at RSNA2022.RSNA.org.