
RSNA 2020 Trending Topics

Chest Radiology

COVID-19 is the focus of numerous sessions, including on COVID-19 infections, use of chest X-ray, chest CT and AI to predict outcomes.The Hot Topic Session is Three Chest Findings of COVID-19.

Attendees should look for Case-Based Review of Thoracic Radiology, which covers lung infections, lesions on chest radiography, large airway obstructions and esophageal lesions.

The Controversy Session is Triple Rule Out Chest CT in the ER-Should It Be the ‘One Stop Shop’ for Chest Pain?

The Essentials of Chest Imaging covers e-cigarette and vaping associated lung injury (EVALI), MRI assessment and the use of DL for lung nodule malignancy prediction.

Education exhibits of interest include COVID-19 related topics as well as EVALI, post-radiation chest imaging and chest tube placement and management. 

View more RSNA 2020 educational and scientific programming at RSNA.org/RSNA-2020-Program.