
RSNA 2019 Trending Topics

Genitourinary Radiology/Uroradiology

The imaging and treatment of prostate cancer continues to be a trending topic in this subspecialty along with the updated PI-RADS.

New PET Tracers for Prostate Cancer provides an update on the latest and forthcoming nuclear medicine tracers and Emerging Technologies: Prostate Cancer Imaging & Management – Update 2019 offers information on next-generation prostate MRI and radionuclide therapy for prostate cancer.

Look for a session on new anti-cancer agents for advanced renal, bladder, prostate and gynecologic malignancies. Attendees looking for a hands-on session should attend the PI-RADS hands-on workshop.

The Interventional Oncology Series focuses on different treatment modalities for primary and metastatic renal malignancies and reproductive health interventions for prostate, fibroids and pelvic congestion. Chronic Pelvic Pain: Added Value of MRI in Endometriosis, Fibroids and Pelvic Floor Relaxation highlights MRI protocols for chronic pelvic pain.

The Diagnosis Live™ session covers various genitourinary case challenges.

Also, look for the session,  Renal Sonography 2019: Update and Controversies.

Education exhibit topics include PI-RADS update comparisons, DL for renal US exams, prostate MRI and diagnosis and treatment for bladder cancer. 

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