RSNA 2019 Trending Topics

Pediatric Radiology

Pediatric acute bone fracture and joint imaging, fetal spine and airway imaging and pediatric neurology, both emerging and emergency, are topics of interest in this subspecialty.  

There are several pediatric safety and quality sessions that focus on MRI safety, CT dose, scan time and sedation.

Attendees with a competitive spirit will not want to miss the Diagnosis Live™ session Peds, IR, Potpourri, focusing on unique pediatric imaging cases. 

There are several Case-based Review of Pediatric Radiology sessions that cross over with other subspecialties and include updates in pediatric brain, vascular, abdominal and pelvic disorders, as well as spine, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal disorders.

Attendees looking for quick tips should attend High Yield Pediatric Neuroradiology, featuring the top five tips for imaging pediatric brain tumors, spinal dysraphisms, metabolic disorders and hypoxic ischemic disorders.

The Pediatric Series sessions focus on various aspects of most subspecialties and the research available for the pediatric population.

Look for sessions, Pediatric Neuroemergencies and Essentials of Pediatric Imaging

Education exhibit topics of note include decision support in pediatric radiology, AI for the pediatric skeleton, and fetal and pediatric liver imaging.

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