
Physician interviews


Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Maria Spampinato discusses the findings of her study on gender-based differences in Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Maria Spampinato discusses if the findings of her study on gender-based differences in Alzheimer’s disease can used to help find or develop a cure for Alzheimer’s. 

Dr. Cyrus Raji explains the purpose of his study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Dr. Cyrus Raji discusses the importance of the study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.  

Dr. Cyrus Raji describes the relationship between fish consumption and healthy brain cells.

Dr. Cyrus Raji discusses the significance of his study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji reveals the results of the study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji describes the cause and effect of fish consumption and brain volume.

Dr. Cyrus Raji explains how lifestyle factored in the results of the study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji shares the findings of the study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji shares the most exciting finding of his study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji describes the kinds of fish preparation that are healthiest for the brain.

Dr. Cyrus Raji explains fish preparation and its effect on the brain.

Dr. Cyrus Raji discusses the role of MRI in his study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji explains Alzheimer’s disease and factors to help reduce or prevent the disorder.

Dr. Cyrus Raji shares the findings of the study on fish consumption and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji explains the importance of the study on fish consumption as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji discusses why his study on walking and its effect on Alzheimer’s disease is important.

Dr. Cyrus Raji reveals the single most exciting finding of his study on walking and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Cyrus Raji reveals how much exercise is recommended to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Cyrus Raji discusses the benefits of walking in cognitive decline.


Sports-Related Brain Injury

Dr. Christopher Whitlow discusses how his study on brain changes in high school football players after one season differs from prior studies looking at brain abnormalities in football players.

Dr. Christopher Whitlow discusses what they found when studying high school football players after playing contact sports over one season.  

Dr. Christopher Whitlow discusses the main takeaway message of his research on the brain changes of high school football players after one season.  

Dr. Christopher Whitlow discusses some advice to parents of children and teenagers who play contact sports.  

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals the findings of the study on soccer ball ‘heading’.  

Dr. Michael Lipton explains what his study on soccer ball ‘heading’ involved.

Dr. Michael Lipton shares his advice as it relates to soccer ball ‘heading’.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses the possible key to prevention against brain injury during soccer.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses how to protect the brain against injury during soccer.

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals the brain findings of the study on soccer ball ‘heading’.

Dr. Michael Lipton describes traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses what his study on soccer ball ‘heading’ examined. 
Dr. Michael Lipton discusses brain repair and regeneration.

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals treatment options for brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton describes diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses what diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) helps detect.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses why soccer players were studied in his research on brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses why soccer was selected for his research on head injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton describes the patient demographics in his study on soccer ball ‘heading’ and brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton describes the methodology of the study on soccer ball ‘heading’ and brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals the results of the study on soccer ball ‘heading’ and brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton shares the findings of the study on soccer ball ‘heading’ and brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses the differences between the study participants and the findings related to soccer ball ‘heading’.

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals the next steps for his study on soccer ball ‘heading’ and brain injury.

Dr. Michael Lipton reveals the next steps for his study on soccer ball ‘heading’ as it relates to pediatric patients.

Dr. Michael Lipton discusses brain injury prevention methods during soccer play.

Dr. Michael Lipton shares his recommendations to prevent brain injury during soccer. 

Dr. Alexander Lin explains chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Dr. Alexander Lin describes the symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Dr. Alexander Lin explains the procedure for diagnosing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Dr. Alexander Lin discusses the significance of his study on early identification of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Dr. Alexander Lin explains what happens during MR spectroscopy.

Dr. Alexander Lin shares the results of the study on identification of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). 


Breast Cancer Screening

Dr. Alison Chetlen explains the purpose of her study on the potential impact of scatter radiation during mammography.

Dr. Alison Chetlen discusses which parts of the body they measured scattered radiation.

Dr. Alison Chetlen discusses the findings of her study on the potential impact of scatter radiation during mammography.

Dr. Alison Chetlen explains why she recommends against using thyroid shields during a mammogram.

Dr. Alison Chetlen discusses if women should be concerned whether mammography will increase their risk of thyroid cancer.

Dr. Alison Chetlen’s conclusions from her study on the impact of scatter radiation during mammography. 

Dr. Stamatia Destounis explains what's new about her study on mammography screening at age 40.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis explains the public impact of her study on mammography screening at age 40.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis discusses why she conducted her study on mammography screening at age 40.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis discusses the conclusion of her study regarding mammography screening at age 40.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis discusses surprising findings of her study on mammography screening at age 40.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis addresses recent reports advising against screening for women in their 40s.

Dr. Stamatia Destounis discusses mammography screening for women in their 40s. 

Dr. Emily F. Conant explains why they conducted research on digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) in breast cancer screening.

Dr. Emily F. Conant explains who would benefit most from digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT).

Dr. Emily F. Conant addresses the potential concerns over increased radiation exposure with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT).

Dr. Emily F. Conant explains the term "callback”, in regards to screening mammography.

Dr. Emily F. Conant explains the advantages and benefits of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). 

Dr. Per Skaane and Ms. Robin Lee Hammond discuss the transition from 2D to 3D mammography, or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT).

Dr. Per Skaane and Ms. Robin Lee Hammond explain the benefits of digital tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening. 

Dr. Bonnie N. Joe discusses why she conducted research on risk-based screening in women aged 40-49.

Dr. Bonnie N. Joe briefly describes the methodology of her study on risk-based screening in women aged 40-49.

Dr. Bonnie N. Joe discusses the key findings of her research on risk-based screening in women aged 40-49.  

Dr. Bonnie N. Joe explains why women should continue getting screened for breast cancer in their 40s. 


Face Transplatation

Dr. Frank J. Rybicki explains the purpose of their research on full face transplantation.

Dr. Frank J. Rybicki explains the most exciting finding of their research on full face transplantation.

Dr. Frank J. Rybicki explains the use of CT angiography on face transplant patients.

Dr. Frank J. Rybicki explains the importance of pre-operative mapping with full face transplantation.

Dr. Frank J. Rybicki explains the process of surgical planning and follow-up in face transplant patients.

Dr. Frank Rybicki explains the information and benefits that 3-D printing provides in relation to face transplantation planning.

Dr. Frank Rybicki explains why computed tomography (CT) is critical to making a 3-D model.

Dr. Frank Rybicki explains other medical uses for 3-D models, including surgical planning and patient care.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla discusses the importance of new and advanced imaging technologies in regards to face transplantation.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla discusses the importance of combining imaging modalities during face transplant surgical planning.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla reveals the purpose of his study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla explains face transplantation.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla explains how the face functions after transplantation.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla shares the significance of his study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla shares the importance of the study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla reveals the findings of the study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla shares the next steps for the study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Vijay Gorantla compares current techniques for face transplantation with the techniques used for his study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Joseph Losee discusses the field of face transplantation.

Dr. Joseph Losee describes the types of reconstructive transplantation.

Dr. Joseph Losee shares the history of face transplantation.

Dr. Joseph Losee explains the challenges associated with face transplantation.

Dr. Joseph Losee describes how the face functions after transplantation.

Dr. Joseph Losee describes how the nerves in the face function after transplantation. 

Dr. Darren Smith discusses combining various imaging modalities.

Dr. Darren Smith explains how models of the face are generated for transplant planning.

Dr. Darren Smith shares the methodology of his study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Darren Smith shares the results of the study imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Darren Smith reveals the findings of the study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures.

Dr. Darren Smith discusses how facial features are reconstructed.

Dr. Darren Smith shares the significant findings of his study on imaging modalities for face transplant planning and procedures. 



Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses the methodology of her study on visceral obesity in men, and its relation to osteoporosis.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses the most important finding from her study on visceral obesity in men.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses what compelled her to do research on obesity and its relation to bone loss.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses why the research in her study focused on obese men.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses what kind of fat is most damaging to bone strength.  

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses how finite element analysis (FEA) is used in assessing bone strength.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses what is surprising about the findings of her study on men with visceral fat.  

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses how to prevent bone degeneration.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses the difference between visceral and superficial belly fats.  

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses the most compelling finding of her study on bone health in obese women.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses what’s new about her research on bone health in obese women.

Dr. Miriam Bredella reveals the methodology and results of her study on bone health in obese women. 

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses what's new about her research on growth hormone replacement in obese women and how it differs from prior research.

Dr. Miriam Bredella describes the public impact of her study on bone loss and obesity.  

Dr. Miriam Bredella explains why she conducted her study on growth hormone replacement and its effects on bone health in obese patients.  

Dr. Miriam Bredella reveals the most compelling finding of her study on bone health and obese patients.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses an unexpected finding in her study on bone health and obese patients.

Dr. Miriam Bredella describes who can benefit from hormone replacement.

Dr. Miriam Bredella discusses the risks associated with growth hormone replacement.

Dr. Mubin Syed discusses his study on gastric artery embolization as a potentially new treatment for obesity.

Dr. Mubin Syed explains how gastric artery embolization is performed.