Kuo York Chynn Neuroradiology Research Award

The Kuo York Chynn Neuroradiology Research Award was created to honor the author of the top neuroradiology research paper presented during the RSNA annual meeting.

Dr. Chynn, the founder of this award and an internationally known neuroradiology expert, has written more than 30 papers, two textbooks and holds a patent for his invention—the Painless Chynn Myelography Needle. He established this neuroradiology research award to give back to his field and help other researchers persevere and succeed as he did.

The award

Funded with a donation by Dr. Chynn, this award gives $3,000 to the author of the top neuroradiology research paper presented at the annual meeting.

Past recipients

2023: Francesco Sanvito, MD, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
2022: Leo Wolansky, MD, University of Connecticut, Bloomfield, CT
2021: Jason Parker, PhD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
2020: Eike Piechowiak, MD, Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
2019: Pouya Nazari, MD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
2018: Julian Gehweiler, MD, Clinic of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland