
Subscriptions FAQs

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about login information, non-member journal subscriptions and institutional subscriptions below.

If you do not see the answer to your question, please contact us and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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Login FAQs

What is my username?

The default username is your membership or subscription number.

How can I change my username and/or password?

Log in to your account. Under My Profile, select Change Password or Change Username.

What if I forget my password?

If you know your username, you may retrieve your password online.

If you do not know any of this information or cannot retrieve your information using the link above, contact us and we will be happy to assist you via email or phone.

Email: customerservice@rsna.org

1-877-776-2636 U.S. or Canada
1-630-571-7873 Outside the U.S. or Canada

May I share my login information?

No, you are the only one licensed to use this username and password.

Non-member individual subscription FAQs

I am a non-member individual subscriber. Do I have access to the Radiology Legacy Collection and/or RadioGraphics Legacy Collection?

Yes, non-member individual subscribers with an active subscription to Radiology and/or RadioGraphics have access to the respective Radiology Legacy Collection and/or RadioGraphics Legacy Collection. 

How do I become an RSNA member?

Apply online today to start receiving membership benefits.

How can I access RSNA journals online if I am not an RSNA member and I don't have access through an institutional subscription?

You may apply for RSNA membership or purchase a non-member individual subscription.

Are RSNA subscriptions required to run on a calendar year?

No, RSNA can begin a subscription at any time throughout the year.

Institutional subscriptions

How can I tell if my institution has subscribed to RSNA journals online?

The institution name will appear at the top of the page confirming you are signed in as part of an institution. If you would like your institution to subscribe, ask your librarian to complete the library recommendation form.

Who is allowed access through an institutional subscription?

Institutional subscriptions allow the library to offer access to the online journals from any workstation physically located within the building. Please see the subscription access guidelines for more details on access rights.

What does an institutional subscription include?

  • Current online articles
  • Tables of contents
  • Abstracts
  • Full-text searching
  • Full-text display
  • Articles in PDF
  • Supplemental materials
  • Download of figures to PowerPoint

My institution has a subscription to RSNA journals, but I am not able to see full articles. I am prompted for a username and password. Why is this happening?

The IP address for your institution's computer is not recognized by our server. Please contact the librarian or administrator of the account at your institution.

How can I access RSNA journals online if I don’t have access through an institutional subscription?

You may order a non-member individual subscription or apply for RSNA membership.

Are institutional subscriptions required to run on a calendar year?

No, we can begin an institutional subscription for you at any time throughout the year.