2021 Research Awards

RSNA awards the Trainee Research Prize to honor an outstanding scientific presentation in each subspecialty presented by a resident/physics trainee, fellow or medical student. A complete list of 2021 honorees can be viewed at RSNA.org.

Alexander Boyko
One trainee research prize in breast imaging is endowed by Tapan K. Chaudhuri, MD. The Tandra R. Chaudhuri & Tamosa R. Mallik prize was awarded to Alexander Boyko for his paper, “Impact Of Race, Ethnicity, And Insurance Status On Breast Cancer Mortality At A Safety Net Academic Medical Center.”
Jason Parker, PhD
Funded with a donation from Kuo York Chynn, MD, the Kuo York Chynn Neuroradiology Research Award is presented annually to the top neuroradiology research paper presented at the RSNA annual meeting. “Mapping Whole Exome Sequencing To Noninvasive Imaging With Stereotactic Localization And Deep Learning,” by Jason Parker, PhD, earned the 2021 Chynn Award.